Rewinding the memories of Brooklyn Last year he said he only wants to go to the raw places of New York city Now we made it to Coney island We were sitting by the beach has no one around The seagull wasn't bothered Airplanes and ship were frequently passing by We tried to read the same book as usual But we couldn't anymore We had to say goodbye in couple hours He tried to not cry at the airport I had no tears in my eyes Why people always saying goodbye Emotions are too complicated I just wanted to frozen my mind and the flight on the sky It was a bit chilly in Coney Island, But it didn't stop Cubans singing on the boardwalk. We put one roll of #120film film in the film camera, I got to learn how to use the #lubitel166 that I have had for a while. He taught me a lot about film camera. I remember the camera got complement as soon as I had it on my hand. Then I said I want a pic with this camera. He made fun of me said that I couldn't take it off because I am caring it for style.
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April 2023